Fischer-Brodbeck GmbH (FIBRO) 于 1958 年在魏恩斯贝格成立,自 1974 年以来加入 LÄPPLE 集团。如今,全球 790 名员工从事标准件与转台业务。
FIBRO 集团概览:
- 790 名员工
- 在法国、美国、 波兰 , 印度、新加坡、韩国和中国等地有自己的子公司
- 在全球设立超过 70 家代表处和售后服务点
- 质量管理体系通过 DIN ISO 9001 标准认证
- 环境管理体系通过 DIN EN ISO 14001 标准认证
从过去到现在,有志之士共同铸就 FIBRO ——凭借他们的积极参与和热忱、出色能力与热情。这些个人特质与技术紧密相连,而后者正是所有工作的核心。
人与技术二者相辅相成,凝聚成 FIBRO 集团及旗下所有公司。这也正是不断改善产品与解决方案的关键所在。我们以此携手共创 FIBRO 的未来,每天都离愿景更近一步。
FIBRO 组件在所有层面均满足最高质量要求与安全标准。基于全面分析与咨询,FIBRO 标准件保障模具、成型与机械制造方面标准化产品的安全,从而有针对性地选择制造技术并应用最先进制造工艺。FIBRO的客户也同样受益于产品的高精度、高效率以及长久使用寿命。
质量、环境、健康与安全方面的出色服务是FIBRO的追求与义务。为确保达到最高要求,FIBRO 不断促进与培养旗下员工对这些方面的责任感与参与感。
- 所有涉及企业目标以及遵守环境、质量和工作安全规定的行为均按规定实施、监督并(如有需要)记录。
- 在所有流程中通过密切协调质量、环境与工作安全流程遵守相应要求,并发挥协同效应以利于客户与员工、环境以及产品、设施和流程的安全。
- 通过连续的流程导向跨领域高效实施所有作业。
FIBRO 对旗下员工、客户和 LÄPPLE AG 股东、社会和环境负责。在这个继承优良传统的家族企业里,信赖与尊重所有相关参与方始终是基本准则和企业哲学的一部分。
FIBRO 致力于技术、解决方案和产品,使其既为客户创造利益又推动公司长足发展。
为延续企业辉煌,FIBRO 在员工、研发和追求精益求精方面投入大量精力与成本。
Fischer-Brodbeck GmbH (FIBRO) was founded in Weinsberg, Germany in 1958 and has been part of the LÄPPLE Group since 1974. Today, 790 people around the world are employed in the company’s standard parts and rotary tables divisions.
The FIBRO Group at a glance:
- 790 employees
- Branch offices in France, Poland, the USA, India, Singapore, Korea and China
- Over 70 representatives and service partners worldwide
- A quality management system in line with ISO 9001
- An environmental management system in line with ISO 14001
The people make FIBRO what it is, and this has been true from the beginning – it is their commitment and enthusiasm, their expertise and their passion. These human factors are closely connected with the technology that has become an important part of all our work.
The link between these two components – humans and technology – is what defines our group and all the companies within it. This combination is the key to continuously improving our products and solutions. With it, we strive to build the future of FIBRO, bringing it a little bit closer every day.
Because we love technology.
A responsible approach to using resources, protecting the environment and ensuring quality is deeply rooted in our company policy.
FIBRO components fulfil the highest quality and safety standards. Based on a comprehensive analysis and consulting process, FIBRO Standard Parts is able to ensure standardised products in the fields of tool making, mould construction and mechanical engineering in order to provide an effective range of manufacturing technologies and ensure the use of state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. Our customers benefit from a high level of precision, excellent standards of efficiency and superb product longevity.
Outstanding performance with regard to quality, environment, and health and safety is both our driving force and our commitment. To meet even the most stringent requirements, FIBRO continuously promotes a sense of responsibility and commitment among its employees in these areas through regular training.
FIBRO has responsibilities towards its employees, business partners and LÄPPLE AG shareholders, as well as to society more broadly and the environment. The minimum expectation that has always been defined by our family-run company’s traditional philosophy is to always maintain relationships with key stakeholders based on trust and respect.
FIBRO is committed to building technologies, solutions and products which add value for our customers and contribute towards sustainable business development.
In addition, FIBRO is committed to securing the future viability of our business by investing in our employees, continuous improvement, and research and development.
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